Thursday, May 21, 2009

Malcom X Review

Directed by, Spike Lee
Quality Fresh
“You’ve been had, You’ve been took, hoodwinked, bamboozled, run amuck, run a stray” powerful words spoken in real live by Malcolm X played in this Biopic by a stunningly similar looking Denzel Washington (Inside Man, Glory, and The Mighty Quinn) and directed by always controversial Spike Lee (Do the Right Thing, Inside Man, and Miracle at St. Anna).
This movie was a good retelling of the life of Malcolm X. The movie takes place between 1925-1965. Over many cities in the United States and also Mecca in Saudi Arabia. The movie portrays the great afro American leader Malcolm X as he strives to teach the black community about the Muslim faith and help them to understand that they do not belong in the white culture that they were forcibly brought too. But above all that it shows the conflict Malcolm has with his own faith. It shows that he believed what he believed. But towards the end of his life he deserved they hypocrisy found in his leader the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. The film was well acted, Filmed, and Directed. It did not hide the fact that Malcolm X was a gangster as a young adult, and they did not hesitate to show his life the way it really was. They did not butter him up. They showed that he had flaws like every human but was also this great, great leader. Denzel Washington gives a GREAT performance as Malcolm x. Nailing Malcolm X’s speeches, his tone, even his walk. He really conveyed the emotion of Malcolm. He even looked like him.
Wile the movie was very good. It had a few flaws. The movie didn’t do a great job at conveying time. I found myself wondering what time frame we were dealing with. They show news reels but they don’t happen enough to get the point across of what the date is. Also the beginning is very slow. I respect the fact that they showed Malcolm’s past and not hide that he was a gangster. I just feel they should have speeded it up a lot. Getting to where he started to make a change and make a difference faster
Aside from a few flaws this was a very well made movie. Spike Lee’s style is clearly there, and the acting was spot on. Spike lee wile as a person is whiney and annoying he sure does make a good movie. And I hope he continues. Spike Lees Malcom X is pritty Fresh Bread.

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